About me.
Hi beautiful soul, I am so glad you are here.
My name is Lynn. I was born and raised in the Netherlands but have always desired to connect with people all over the world. To make my dreams come true, I started my YouTube channel in 2021 and have created a beautiful community of powerful soul sisters & brothers ever since.
My journey toward helping others reconnect with their feminine energy began with my own challenges. For years, I felt trapped in an overly masculine energy, driven by societal pressures that left me feeling unfulfilled and negatively impacted my health. I was trying to get along in the rat race that was not aligned with my soul and it completely drained my happiness. This hyper-focus on productivity overshadowed my inner self, which craved balance, nurturing, and connection.
In 2019 right before Covid, I hit rock bottom. I completely lost touch with my happiness and struggled with severe anxiety and depression. My healing journey started and I went through a deep spiritual awakening. Suddenly, the friends I had once leaned on began to drift away. I was not able to keep a 9 to 5 job; or get into romantic relationships that stayed surface level. I found myself isolated, grappling with profound changes in my understanding of life and purpose.
In this period of solitude, my old identity was unraveling, and I was left searching for meaning amidst the chaos. Without a mentor or guide to help navigate this transformative journey, I struggled a lot with a deep sense of loneliness.I discovered my profound need for a safe space where I could share experiences, seek support, and connect authentically without judgment.
Thus, I felt compelled to create a community that would offer the guidance and understanding I lacked during my journey. To make sure that other people on this journey have a support system ready for them when they are navigating their own challenges, helping them cultivate a nurturing environment where they can explore their transformation without the fear of being misunderstood.
After years of nurturing my body, mind, and spirit, I have experienced profound happiness, authentic connections, meaningful work, and soul fulfilling experiences. I have learned invaluable lessons along the way, and now I wish to share my insights with you. My aim is to help you reclaim your goddess power, unlocking your feminine energy and the blessings and pleasures life has to offer. You can create heaven on earth.
You can have that softer life - simply by joining me on this journey.
Love & Kindness,